Friday, April 24, 2009

I Love Being a Missionary

  • I love it here in the Philippines, and to tell you the truth, I don't want to come home when it is my time. I want to be a missionary till I die. But I know all good things must come to an end. But that is a long time away.

  • We taught 6 lessons today, and that is really good for this mission. My companion, Elder Johnson,(he is the kid) I am the trainer) are really doing good. Especially being new in the area, and still new at being missionaries.The people are so humble and nice.

  • I was reading in the Temple prep book, and it says everytime a temple is built, Satans power is weakened and the Lords power is strengthened. Thank you for being Temple attending parents, I know our family is blessed for it.In D&C 130 it says,everyblessing we receive is by obedience to the law. So if we want more blessings, we must obey the law first.

  • I have lost so much weight, I need more pants. I found a lady who will make them for me, and a new suit. It's not that much money so I put an order in. I get to pick out the material too.

  • I was in my first Typhoon. It was Awesome.... I was soaked from head to feet and everything too. But it sure made if muggy. That is not good.

  • I love you and miss you tons, but I keep going strong. Be like Joseph Smith, what ever came his way push through and follow Christ. Or in other words,"Come what may and love it."

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter fun in the sun.

Here is Alison and Ashton being goofy in the sunshine. Alie has 2 months till the baby is born. We are excited for that great event. It was so nice to have them here with us. They will be moving to Omaha Nebraska, in Aug. and I cry everyday about this. But we are helping them move so we will have a great trip with them, and cry all the way home. I know there is life out there other than Twin Falls, Idaho. Sometimes these things make us all grow in ways we can't imagine now. I am happy Ashton will be happy going to Pharmacy school there. We love them.

We had a nice Easter with our family here. Alison and Ashton were here as well as Grandma and George, and Curtis and Crystal and the kids. Here Brody and Lydia were having the egg hunt in our backyard. They are growing so fast. It was a nice day to be together.

We love these little grandchildren, they bring alot of joy into our lives. It is nice they live so close to us. Thanks for checking in on us. Love you all.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Easter Wishes

Happy Easter everyone, and enjoy your families. Love you all.

Monday, April 6, 2009

I am a TRAINER!!!!

  • This is a beautiful sunset over Manilla Bay.

    • Well my new companion is straight out of the MTC,which means I am TRAINING!!!!! Can you believe this. I'm six months in the field second area, and yes in a new area now, and I have no idea about the area. It is super crazy and a little scarey.

    I am now in Navotas right on the Manilla Bay. The houses are in little alleys and so its hard to find the houses. A lot of our investigators houses are right over the Bay so that is cool. I walk around in water every day so we wear irrigation boots. And yes I do wear them. I came from the cleanest part of the mission, to the dirtiest. It rains a lot here so it is always flooded.

    • I got my birthday package, thanks alot for everything.

    • We live in a nice house upstairs. I eat alot of fruit, bananas, mangos, pineapple and watermelon. I love it all.

    • I feel like this is home now, so it will be interesting when it is time to go home. Time is going by so fast.
    • We get to Listen to Gen. Conference next week-end so that will be nice. Our Mission Pres. has us watch all 5 sessions so it awesome.

    • The pictures are of Manilla Bay and the sunset. I love it here.

    • I love you guys tons, and thanks for everything you do. Love Elder Loveles